Greetings from PA!

Greetings from PA!

Postby Matt541 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:03 am

Hello fellow Sonex lovers, Matt from PA here and I'm the proud new owner of Sonex 541.

I have been wanting to build a kit plane for a while now, was just about to order a kit, was just about to order a Zenith 701 fuselage kit, when my wife reminded me I wouldn't have the time to build with an infant child around too... Darn. "Why not just buy something that's already flying?" she said. Probably a good idea since I haven't done enough flying the last few years.

So, off to Barnstormers to see what I could find. A good part of my flying background is with STOL airplanes out off unique short and/or soft fields, so that's what drew me to the Zenith STOLs or a Kitfox. Can't really afford a Super STOL just yet. All the while, Sonex does a pretty good job of advertising on their and I started thinking, "What about one of them?"

Many hours spent on Googs and YT and a more honest evaluation of my mission brought the Sonex/ Waiex into my search queue. We made a weekend trip out of seeing a tricycle geared Waiex in Oswego NY. As I turned the corner of the hangar and saw a Sonex aircraft in person for the first time, my initial thought was "Man that things small..." I'm a stocky guy and I had my doubts.

My wife and I sat in it together and I could tell she was feeling a bit...claustrophobic. (She is regular passenger with me, but usually in a 172, 182, 206.) Then it was time for the owner and to go up, flew along Lake Ontario and then down to the finger lakes. Sure enough, we hit the advertised 130mph in cruise and I was happy to see how responsive it was. The thing is, I had to put my arm around him to fit and kept my neck bent over for the duration of the flight. (Felt that the next day.) It was a good flight and my first in that region of NY.

I remember reading about multiple guys flying their Sonex from the center and using the outside rudder pedals, can I convert the Waiex to a center stick? No. Although I have seen it done, Sonex does not support doing so with the legacy models. Long story a bit shorter, I didn't feel this particular airplane fit my needs.

Back to see what else was out there, considered everything from a 150 Champ Glasair 1 and Zenith 601, all the while keeping an eye out for a Sonex that fit. Just couldn't shake that "Sonex feeling." And then it happened, Sonex 541 was posted for sale. Center stick. Taildragger. Yes! I made the 6 hour drive that Friday night, looking at it the next morning, offer made and hit the road again for the 6+ hour drive home. I had a hockey game to be back for.

We came to terms and the deal was set. In all of my searching, I was set on finding something currently flying so I could get some dual and ferry it back home. Not the case here. It was sitting for a time, covered in dust, but hangared at least. It's ok, life happens, I know it too well. But all in all a solid airplane, I could tell how much the owner cared for it.

So, how did I get it home? A 26' behemoth of a U Haul truck. Wings off and everything was tucked neatly inside with room to spare. It's living in my garage at the moment while I go through everything and prepare for it's new home at the airport. Luckily I have a 2+ car garage for it. Unluckily, my classic car on the one side is now doubling as a wing holder until I can build actual ones. (This past weekend would have been great to take the car out...)

Guess I made a bit of a compromise between building and buying a flying example then. Working on it when I get time. (The wife was right!)

Thanks to everyone who has posted on here, so much information that helped when I was looking and making a purchase decision. Big thanks to Jeff and everyone over at the Sonex Flight podcast as that gave me another medium to digest everything. Listened to as many episodes as I could for a week straight on my commute and lunch breaks.

In the truck:

To my garage:
Last edited by Matt541 on Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sonex 541, TD, Center Stick, Revmaster w/ Prince P <SOLD>
:arrow: Anxiously awaiting the new Highwing
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby Rofomoto » Tue Jan 14, 2020 12:52 pm

Where in PA?
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby Matt541 » Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:55 pm

PM sent.

The Eastern side. I guess PA is a pretty big state isn't it? Never even been to the Pittsburgh area, hopefully my Sonex will change that for me.
Sonex 541, TD, Center Stick, Revmaster w/ Prince P <SOLD>
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby Matt541 » Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:20 am

If anyone's interested, I finally uploaded the video I made of our "Sonex Road Trip."

Sonex 541, TD, Center Stick, Revmaster w/ Prince P <SOLD>
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby GraemeSmith » Thu Jan 30, 2020 5:30 am

Fun times

3:54 - We must have been on he same bit of road that night. I have exactly the same sunset picture!
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby Matt541 » Thu Jan 30, 2020 9:09 am


Other than the plane in the back, that sunset was definitely a highlight of the trip.

I need to take 541 up there this year, can only see so much from the highway.
Sonex 541, TD, Center Stick, Revmaster w/ Prince P <SOLD>
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Re: Greetings from PA!

Postby GraemeSmith » Thu Jan 30, 2020 9:43 am

Yep - here is what you missed! You drove over this:

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