Light Aircraft Association Rally Spetember 2/3/4th

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Light Aircraft Association Rally Spetember 2/3/4th

Postby sonexsteve » Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:29 am

Not expecting a big turnout from the American Sonex contingent perhaps, but I hope to get significant numbers of European and British Sonex aircraft at the upcoming LAA Rally, Sywell.

We now have 7 or 8 flying aircraft in the UK, many more in Europe. There is potential for upwards of 14 aircraft attending if we can get some of the flying aircraft from over the channel to attend. That would be as many as I saw at Oshkosh on the Wednesday of last year!

I'm well aware that flying in unfamiliar UK airspace and using English for ATC can be daunting, but the reality is easier than often perceived. Call or write to me if you'd like a briefing on how to work with the English way of VFR flying. I am a flying instructor and used to be a Controller, so can interpret regulations to help you. Je parle un peu de Francais aussi.

All fly in visitors will need to book an arrival slot on the Sywell Aerodrome website, perhaps an example of the over complicated English way, but I can do that for you if necessary. The time booked is quite flexible, the Flight Information people on the radio at Sywell understand the VFR way of doing things and will do as much as possible to accommodate off time arrivals.

So the plan is to get many Sonex aircraft parked together on the Saturday afternoon, and have a get together of builders, flyers and those interested in becoming so around the aircraft at 3.00pm local time.

The Rally lasts 3 days, from Friday until Sunday, Saturday being the busiest day, so arriving early and leaving late works well. Camping is available by your aircraft, or in a campsite just 200 metres from the main entrance. If you'd prefer a local B & B or hotel, even AirBnB I can help with arrangements.

Steve Moody
Sonex in Europe
07774 639072 (+44 7774 639072)
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:18 pm
Location: Leamington Spa, England

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