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2nd Annual North Central Sonex Fly In

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:25 pm
by Sonex1517
June 6, 2015
Buffalo Municipal Airport (CFE)
Buffalo, Minnesota

I’m sending this email to everyone on my Sonex email list from the first event last year (all blind copied). I’m looking forward to hosting another Sonex Fly-In this summer, but certainly hope the weather is more cooperative this year!

Mark your calendars for the 6th of June and I hope to see you at Buffalo.

More info will come later.

I’m still developing an agenda for the day. Though completed and flying aircraft are the most important element of any fly-in, I’m particularly interested in any topics or areas of discussion that would be of interest to you. I’m also looking for persons who would be willing to make a presentation to the fly-in group…perhaps you took an interesting flight in your Sonex and learned something new about yourself or the airplane; perhaps you have some building tips that would be valuable to others; or perhaps you have some questions and are looking for “expert” answers!

This fly-in is and will be what we all make it to be. Let me know what your expectations are!

If you have parts for sale, let me know. You will be responsible for your own display table and any transactions.

Please pass the word along to anyone you know who is flying or building a Sonex, or those who may just interested in seeing a Sonex aircraft and learning more about them. This is the event to attend to put hands on aluminum (with pilot/builder approval, of course) and see if the Sonex is for you.


Wayne Flury
North Central Sonex Fly-In Organizer
Cell: 763-670-6021

2nd Annual North Central Sonex Fly In

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:11 pm
by Sonex1517
Date change!

RE: DATE CHANGE for 2nd Annual North Central Sonex Fly-In

I had originally selected June 6th for the Sonex fly-in to avoid the local Buffalo Days summer celebration which usually kicks off with a fly-in, car show and pancake breakfast, plus an air show. Last year the Sonex fly-in was the day before the Buffalo fly-in, which isn’t necessarily bad, but it conflicted with a lot of set-up work (our EAA chapter has the pancake breakfast) and other things.

So, with the 2015 date of Buffalo Days set for June 14-21 ( I thought I was good. Wrong!

Other scheduling issues required the Buffalo Days committee to change their fly-in to June 7, so I’m changing the Sonex fly-in date to June 13.

I apologize to anyone who made plans around the old date, but hope you understand and will still be able to figure out a way to come to the Buffalo Airport on June 13.

New date: 2nd Annual North Central Sonex Fly-In
June 13, 2015
Buffalo Municipal Airport (CFE)
Buffalo, Minnesota

Now I’ve got to get back into my shop and keep plugging away on parts (working on wings now. The fuselage is on gear and the engine hanging on the mount). Thanks to all of you who have inspired me to get back on the project!

Happy flying!


Wayne Flury
North Central Sonex Fly-In Organizer
Cell: 763-670-6021