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External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 2:44 pm
by pchmelir
I'm a first time builder working on a OneX and am about to begin my avionics/electrical system installation. I'm trying to determine whether an anti-collision light is required. I'd prefer not installing external lights to save weight and complexity. I've reviewed FAA 91.205, FAA Order 8130.2 and FAA 21.191 and am pretty sure that lights are not required. But having never gone through the airworthiness inspection process, I'd sure like some insight from someone who has. Any insights would be appreciated.

Pete Chmelir

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 3:27 pm
by Rynoth
No lights required for EAB Day-VFR only. ... 20aircraft.

I passed my airworthiness inspection last year with no lights, it was never a question. My airworthiness limitations state "Day, VFR flight" which is all I intend to do.

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:08 pm
by pchmelir
Thanks, Ryan. That's what I'm planning. Also intend to use the AeroVee Turbo. Any insights into your experience with the Turbo?

Pete Chmelir

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 8:28 pm
by Rynoth
pchmelir wrote:Any insights into your experience with the Turbo?

Pete Chmelir

Well, I'd give 2 pieces of advice for the turbo:

1) Install the liquid cooling system. I cooked my first core beyond my ability to remedy and had to replace it. It had not been abused but I didn't have the cooling system on yet. This happened post-flight.

2) If possible, leave yourself some room to be able to pop the intake manifold hose off the turbo inlet for access to the compressor side. Then, if/when the turbo gets sticky (for me, after a few weeks of the engine not being run, hopefully this goes away as the turbo breaks in) you have quick access to manually spin the turbo and break it free. Sometimes it will free with a finger, other times you may need a socket on the nut of the compressor. If you use a socket, turn it counter-clockwise to free the turbo, that nut is left-hand threaded (lefty-tighty.)

Otherwise it's been great!....

It's probably past time I made a video/writeup of my turbo experience now that I have a pretty consistent procedure for making sure it works before each flight. Presumably the only issue I'm now having is new-turbo rust deposits forming when the turbo sits, that supposedly goes away with more hours (100+?) I have 20 hours on my current turbo.

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:23 am
by builderflyer
Pete, I, too, had my Sonex certificated for day/vfr only and as such, no lights of any kind were required and none were installed. But given that our little airplanes are so difficult to see by others, it always bothered me that I hadn't made my airplane as visible as possible. Also, there are now led lighting products that were not available when I built my airplane 20 years ago. So, recently, I added strobes to the wingtips and the tail.

Aveo makes a really nifty set of wingtip strobes that are principally made for gliders. They have no red, green or white leds, only strobe leds for maximum flash effect. They weigh next to nothing and they're fully self contained with no separate power supply required. Sure, strobes don't add much to visibility on a bright sunny day but they do help when flying at dawn or dusk or beneath an overcast. And they give me a bit more peace of mind. If I were you, I'd consider adding a product like this to my new build. The installation is so much easier sooner rather than later.

Art,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sonex taildragger #95,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jabiru 3300 #261

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:13 pm
by mike.smith
As others have noted, no lights required. If you want to install lights for day VFR they do not need to be TSO'd. But if you DO want to install lights for night flight, then the lights need to be TSO'd. One of the few TSO requirements for experimentals. And they need to be installed per the required visual lines and angles specified by the FARs.

Re: External Lighting Requirements for EAB

PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:03 pm
by Outlaw6
Like Ryan said, the turbo needs the cooling system. I've got almost 20 hours with the cooling system and haven't had any issues. My only verification procedure is getting boost when I taxi, I'm on a grass field so it takes some power to get moving, and I watch for boost on take off roll.